Everything you need to know about escape room industry and more...


Topics related to the escape room community - let's get to know each other!

Work on ER Champ 2024 has started

Work on ER Champ 2024 has started

Anna Kryśkow |

World Escape Room Championship attracts thousands of players every year. Last year's contest's finals were held in Wroclaw, Poland. Recently, the organizers announced the start of preparations for the next edition. What is already known about ER Champ 2024?

Experts associated with  community

If you are looking for experts, companies, conferences and more from escape room industry this database is for you. We gathereed information from whole market in one place, so you don't have too.

TERPECA founder and escape room enthusiast - interview with Rich Bragg.

TERPECA founder and escape room enthusiast - interview with Rich Bragg.

Bartosz Idzikowski |

Rankings of any kind always stir up a lot of emotion. Especially when they have a big impact on a particular industry. One such popular ranking, which decides which escape rooms are the best in the world, is TERPECA. Today you have the opportunity to meet its creator - Rich Bragg. In the interview with Rich you will learn about the history of TERPECA and how it works from the inside.

Escape rooms in Minecraft and Fortnite. Amazing escape rooms built in metaverses

Escape rooms in Minecraft and Fortnite. Amazing escape rooms built in metaverses

Anna Kryśkow |

For the past few years there has been a clearly noticeable trend of moving humans' life to the Internet. Without leaving the house, you can shop, meet with friends, study, meet new people and future partners. You can also create escape rooms and play in them. And streams of going through such escape rooms are eagerly watched! This is how escape rooms entered the metaverse.

Let’s take the hint, but you ask. Timeless texts in escape rooms

Let’s take the hint, but you ask. Timeless texts in escape rooms

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

There are things that each of us once did and there are sentences that each of us once said. Just as we used to build a hidden base out of blankets and pillows when we were kids, during our school days we used to go with a friend to the teachers' room and say "I knock, you ask." This is a common denominator that can also be seen among such a narrow social group as escape room enthusiasts.

ER Champ season is over - summary

ER Champ season is over - summary

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

This year's ER Champ 2022 has made history. On November 26, the grand finale of the competition took place, with more than 100 teams from around the world participating. As usual, the participants could count on great excitement, a large portion of thinking and, above all, puzzles, including challenging ones.

It’s TERPECA time, my friends!

It’s TERPECA time, my friends!

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

Thanks to the annual voting and nominations, we will soon find out which rooms will be awarded the title of best in the world. It's a special season of the year for escape room fans - rankings, awards and, above all, escape rooms.... All these associations come together in one term - our dear escape community, TERPECA 2022 is approaching fast!

Escape rooms industry needs to meet in person! - RECON 2022

Escape rooms industry needs to meet in person! - RECON 2022

Bartosz Idzikowski |

The event took place on August 21-22 in Boston, Massachusetts USA. The main venue was the Marriott Cambridge hotel. Already a few days earlier, it was possible to bump into escape room enthusiasts there and socialize while playing games in the rooms or chatting in the hotel lobby. The conference was organized by a team assembled by David and Lisa Spira - creators of https://roomescapeartist.com/

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