Everything you need to know about escape room industry and more...


Our own opinion based on research, experience and observations.

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If you are looking for experts, companies, conferences and more from escape room industry this database is for you. We gathereed information from whole market in one place, so you don't have too.

Escape room test groups - a blessing or a curse?

Escape room test groups - a blessing or a curse?

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

Probably all of us like to go to good escape rooms. However, before a room becomes playable, it requires months of work on various levels: after all, the scenography, puzzles or electronics need to be taken care of. A finished room, however, is not a guarantee of success - checking whether a scenario is suitable for a commercial client is one of the tasks of so-called test groups.

Dark Room, Bright Future?

Dark Room, Bright Future?

Jeremy Kowkabany |

Imagine, you enter an ancient Egyptian tomb. You proceed through the dark passageways and navigate a variety of ancient puzzles while avoiding treacherous booby traps. You finally get to the entrance of the treasure chamber where you must… read some hieroglyphics and translate them into an English word?

Escape Rooms as a Form of Self Improvement?

Escape Rooms as a Form of Self Improvement?

Christina Eanes |

Did you know you can invest in your personal and professional development by raiding a tomb, finding the cure for the Zombie virus, conducting a bank heist, disarming a bomb, and looting a pirate ship? While escape room adventures have traditionally been used in professional development as a team-building activity, they can teach you a lot about yourself and how you interact with your world.

Testing assumptions: can an escape room outing save a company millions?

Testing assumptions: can an escape room outing save a company millions?

Brian Gondek |

Every manager, director, and VP I know has taken a team to an escape room at least once. An escape room is the perfect duration for an outing, and it offers teams the chance to cooperate and solve problems in a fun setting. In spite of the popularity of this type of outing, very few managers connect the dots on how the patterns of success within escape rooms match those in the business world.

Where will the desire for emotional experiences lead us? Immersive interview with Maciej Masztalski

Where will the desire for emotional experiences lead us? Immersive interview with Maciej Masztalski

Anna Kryśkow |

Modern audience is not interested in ordinariness. Ordinariness for some means boredom today. Being constantly attacked with content from all sides - Internet, traditional media, on the street, in the store - people need to be shocked. They want uncommon content that will stay in memory. They also often want something that will, at least for a moment, add variety to their daily routine.

Industry responsibility of online escape room directories

Industry responsibility of online escape room directories

Bartosz Idzikowski |

Despite the fact that the escape room market is not yet of full age, it can be said that it has already passed the phase of growing up. One of the elements of its development were various attempts at "cataloging". After a few years, we live in a world of a few successful projects and many "zombie" sites, which are scary in their appearance and database.

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