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RECON Remote 2023 - tickets available!

RECON Remote 2023 - tickets available!

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

RECON 2023, also known as Reality Escape Convention, will take place on August 19 - 20. This year the conference for all escape room enthusiasts and their creators will be held online. Ticket sales for the event have just kicked off!

First of all, what is RECON? RECON is a conference that brings together gamers, escape room owners and businesses related to escape room industry. This is the next edition, which will allow enthusiasts from all over the world to be a part of the global community and to get this form of entertainment.

Let's recall that the conference is held in two forms, alternating: stationary and online. This year's online edition will make it possible for anyone interested to attend many of the lectures: it will be possible to participate comfortably even from the couch at home.

Here you can read more about the convention overview and previous editions.


According to the organizers, there are 4 ticket options available. Each of them authorizes participation in the conference at different levels:

  • Basic Ticket;
  • Community Ticket;
  • Pro Ticket;
  • Champion Ticket.
Source: https://shop.realityescapecon.com/

Basic Ticket is available for free. The holder of this ticket will get access to all livestreams and recordings of the talks after the event. In addition, this type of ticket will allow you to contact the sponsors on the Discord channel and take advantage of their special offers for their services. With this type of ticket, the entire global escape room community will gain access to the event.

Source: https://shop.realityescapecon.com/

The Community Ticket costs $39 and entitles, among other things, access to all RECON talks. With it, in addition to watching live lectures, the participant will be able to attend lectures and chat with speakers on RECON Discord channels. What's more, the holder of this type of ticket can pick up a coupon for a remote game exclusively for the RECON community called The Shop of Theseus. The game is available until the pool of available codes is exhausted.

Source: https://shop.realityescapecon.com/

The Pro Ticket costs $99 and is dedicated to those involved in the escape room industry - owners, creators, designers or contributors. This ticket allows access to small group moderated discussions that will cover topics related to this industry in relation to running a business. The discussions will allow you to implement new solutions and expand your network. In addition, as with the Community Ticket, holders of this type of ticket (while supplies last) will receive access to the online game The Shop of Theseus, available exclusively to event participants.

Source: https://shop.realityescapecon.com/

The Champion Ticket costs $399 and is a kind of VIP ticket that supports the conference creators. It authorizes pre-access to all limited aspects of RECON, and also gives the opportunity to talk to selected speakers. What's more, the holder of this ticket will be able to speak with RECON organizers Lisa and David. The team will guide the entire RECON Discord experience.

You can reserve your ticket here and wait for August in peace (or not)! Who’ll be there online with us?

Hanna Kwaśniewska

Hanna Kwaśniewska


Lock.me team member. Germanist and scholar of German literature - German language is also her superpower. Besides escape rooms and board games, she loves Dragon Ball, Star Wars and cynology. After work she likes learning foreign languages, writing texts and planning her next trip to escape room, probably with rap music in the background. Totally extrovert.

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