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Stress Test as a little sneak peek of ER Champ 2022

Stress Test as a little sneak peek of ER Champ 2022

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

ER Champ is an international escape room competition which consists of two stages: online eliminations and the final. There is also a less official and optional stage: tutorial that serves as a stress test, which will take place tomorrow, i.e. 08.10.2022. What is it about?

Although there is still a month left until the online eliminations, a stage called the stress test will already take place this Saturday. It is a point-and-click mini-game which has two main purposes:

  • it allows players to familiarize themselves with the storyline, how to move around in the game, and how to collect, combine and use items;
  • it allows organizers to check the server's capacity and adjust it to eliminate the inconvenience of its load as much as possible.

In addition, players will learn what type of puzzles and actions to expect, allowing them to prepare and improve their game. 

How to prepare for the competition?

Some teams have been competing in ER Champ (formerly PolandEscape) since the beginning, i.e. since 2017. Their preparations include not only regular visits to escape rooms, but also playing board games, solving classic puzzles or doing puzzles. Before the eliminations, it's also a good idea to play all the stages so far - this is the most optimal form of training that anyone can use. Even if he only learned about the existence of ER Champ from this post.

Recall that the competition schedule this year is as follows:

  • October 08 - Stress Test
  • November 05 - online eliminations
  • November 26 - final

You can read more about the competition itself on our blog, Facebook fan pageevent page and championship website.

Everyone is welcome to participate and we wish you good luck! Who knows, maybe a future escape room world champion is reading this post?

Hanna Kwaśniewska

Hanna Kwaśniewska


Lock.me team member. Germanist and scholar of German literature - German language is also her superpower. Besides escape rooms and board games, she loves Dragon Ball, Star Wars and cynology. After work she likes learning foreign languages, writing texts and planning her next trip to escape room, probably with rap music in the background. Totally extrovert.

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