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The Game of Escape Rooms: Nominations to TERPECA 2022 are coming!

The Game of Escape Rooms: Nominations to TERPECA 2022 are coming!

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

TERPECA (Top Escape Rooms Project Enthusiasts' Choice Award) is an event that has been selecting the best escape rooms from around the world since 2018 in the form of a ranking. The best escape rooms in the world are also about to show up - because the nominations phase has been opened! What do we know about it already?

We hasten to report that the nomination phase of the TERPECA 2022 has been opened - with more details. From now until October 31 (11:59 Pacific Time), the nomination phase is underway, in which submitted nominators can propose escape rooms from around the world. The chosen rooms will then compete for the title of best escape rooms in the world.

A little brief reminder: In creating its ranking, TERPECA brings together nominators and voters from around the world, who collectively take part in the various phases of the project. First, there is the nomination phase, in which the nominators will jointly select escape rooms that can stand for the best. And in the voting phase (which will begin in November), voters will contribute to the TERPECA 2022 ranking. You can read more about previous editions of the event here.

By the end of October, those who have applied for the role of nominators (and have been accepted in this role by the organizers) can proceed with the submission of their candidates. You can learn about this process of the nomination phase in the video "TERPECA - How to nominate".

If you are not a nominator yet, but have played more than 200 games in the escape room, you can still apply at this link (or upgrade your account rank from voter to nominator if you meet the conditions). You can check how the application process works in the video "TERPECA - How to apply".

It's not too late to apply - feel free to tell your friends about the nomination phase. Pass the message on and encourage them to participate - so the project can keep growing! You can read more about the project itself, frequently asked questions and its rules (which have changed!) in the linked posts. Meanwhile, we can't wait to see the results!

Hanna Kwaśniewska

Hanna Kwaśniewska


Lock.me team member. Germanist and scholar of German literature - German language is also her superpower. Besides escape rooms and board games, she loves Dragon Ball, Star Wars and cynology. After work she likes learning foreign languages, writing texts and planning her next trip to escape room, probably with rap music in the background. Totally extrovert.

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