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Knock Knock, RECON 2022 is about to begin!

Knock Knock, RECON 2022 is about to begin!

Hanna Kwaśniewska |

The long-awaited conference for escape room enthusiasts will start this Sunday in Boston: it's RECON 2022. This is a significant industry event that is created for both creators and enthusiasts of escape rooms as players. Simply put - it's for everyone.

What is RECON?

RECON is an escape room convention organized by Room Escape Artist and held annually in Boston. It defines trends, discusses news, and gathers the entire community related to the escape room industry. RECON brings together creators, owners, originators, players, investors. It consists of a series of lectures, talks, panel discussions and workshops, where numerous specialists share their knowledge and experiences while meeting with the listeners. RECON is for anyone who wants to get to know escape rooms from a different side and learn as much as possible about them, as well as learn about current trends. It's also a great opportunity to meet the community of enthusiasts, which is growing in number every year.

Talks & workshops - some facts and news

Each event in this year's edition is held stationary and will not be streamed live on any social channel. Every single presentation is a premiere event - creators are presenting their materials during RECON for the first time ever, they have not been published anywhere before the convention.

Visitors to the show on August 21-22, 2022 will have the opportunity to have many conversations, make new contacts (including business contacts) and spend time among a community of enthusiasts.

Sold out!

All tickets have already sold out. This shows the scale of interest in the event. We can expect lots of materials soon - stay tuned!

Hanna Kwaśniewska

Hanna Kwaśniewska


Lock.me team member. Germanist and scholar of German literature - German language is also her superpower. Besides escape rooms and board games, she loves Dragon Ball, Star Wars and cynology. After work she likes learning foreign languages, writing texts and planning her next trip to escape room, probably with rap music in the background. Totally extrovert.

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