Everything you need to know about escape room industry and more...

Terms and conditions

Preliminary Provisions

  1. [Definitions] The meanings of the following terms are hereby being adopted:
    1. Administrator – Lockme sp. z o.o. ul. Tęczowa 7 | 53-601 Wrocław KRS 0000942965 WR.VI NS-REJ NIP 8971900213 REGON 520822461 - Share Capital: 5000 zł
    2. Website – Internet service available at https://escape.buzz
    3. General Terms and Conditions – these general terms and conditions
    4. User – any entity using the Website;
    5. Consumer - an entity using the Website in a manner not directly related to its business or professional activity, and an entity to which the provisions grant such status.
  2. [Preliminary Provisions] The Administrator provides the Website through which it provides electronic services to the User in a manner and under the terms described in the General Terms and Conditions.
  3. [General Terms and Conditions] General Terms and Conditions define the rules of:
    1. using the Website,


  1. [Website Content] The Website gathers information about escape room industry.
  2. [Website Accessibility] The Website is available to the public.
  3. [No Fee for the Website] Use of the Website is free of charge.
  4. [Anonymity of Users] It is possible to use the Website anonymously, except for the options specified by the Administrator.
  5. [Technical Conditions] To use the Website it is not necessary to meet specific technical conditions by a computer or the User’s other device. It will suffice to avail of:
    1. standard operating system,
    2. standard, updated web browser,
    3. Internet connection,
    4. active email address if the Administrator requires its provision.
  6. [Website Functions] Through the Website, the Administrator provides the User with electronic services consisting in providing the User with the possibility to:
    1. browse the Website content,
  7. [Unauthorized use of the Website] If the User uses the Website in an unauthorized manner, ie against the law, decency or the provisions of the General Terms, the Administrator shall have the rights provided for in the provisions of the General Terms, in particular those provided for in point 54 below.

Reporting violations and complaints

  1. [Breach Notification] If the User finds that any content available on the Website violates their rights or interests, they may report this fact to the Administrator together with justification by way of using a breach notification form.
  2. [Complaints] The User may lodge complaints in connection with the use of the Website, conclusion or performance of the Account Maintenance Agreement or the Voucher or Game Purchase Agreement.
  3. A complaint should include:
    1. User’s identification,
    2. subject of the complaint,
    3. circumstances justifying the complaint,
    4. User’s request in connection with the complaint.
  4. Complaints may be submitted in the form of e-mail messages to the Administrator’s e-mail address.
  5. The Administrator will consider a complaint within 14 days of delivery of the complaint to the Administrator. It will notify the User about its decision made as a result of examining the complaint in the same manner in which the complaint has been sent to him.

Final provisions

  1. [Applicable law and Polish jurisdiction] The Agreement is subject to the Polish law. The User and the Administrator will, in the first place, endeavor to amicable settle disputes arising from the use of the Website or the conclusion of an Account Maintenance Agreement, or a Voucher or Game Purchase Agreement. In the event the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the dispute will be settled by a competent common court in Poland. The User may also be entitled to particular rights arising from the provisions on the protection of consumer rights and other mandatory provisions of law, including the provisions applicable in the User’s country. The User, as a consumer, prior to filing a lawsuit with a competent court, shall have the right to lodge a complaint with one of the bodies authorized to resolve extrajudicial complaints and consumer disputes.
  2. [Settlement of disputes] The consumer has the option of using out-of-court complaint and redress procedures. The consumer may also use the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform.
  3. [Consumer rights] The consumer may also have certain rights under the provisions of the protection of consumer rights.
  4. [Personal Data and Cookies] Provisions regarding the rules for the processing of personal data and the use of cookies can be found in the Privacy Policy.
  5. [Limitation of Liability] Subject to mandatory provisions and the provisions on consumers, to the extent permissible by the applicable provisions of law, the Administrator’s liability for:
    1. any damage caused to third parties as a result of using the Website by Users in a manner contrary to the General Terms and Conditions or the provisions of law,
    2. for the content posted by Users through the Website and violating the law or third party rights protected by law,
    3. the manner of use of the content posted by Users on the Website by entities other than the Administrator,
    4. the User’s loss of data caused by external factors or other circumstances beyond the control of the Administrator,
    5. unavailability of the Website due to reasons attributable to entities other than the User,
    6. interruptions in access to the Website caused by the necessity to remove failures, test hardware and software, the necessity to carry out maintenance,
    7. damages incurred by Users caused by incorrect recording or reading of information,
    8. technical problems associated with the use of the Website due to causes beyond the control of the Website, including those caused by the act of force majeure or malfunctioning of the Internet,is excluded.
  6. [Applicability of the General Terms and Conditions] The administrator may define other provisions in the form of an attachment to the General Terms for a given country in the scope regulated by the General Terms. If the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions conflict with the provisions of the appendix, the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
  7. [Amendment to the General Terms and Conditions] The Administrator, due to material reasons, reserves the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions. Material reasons justifying amendment to the General Terms and Conditions include, in particular, an amendment to the provisions of generally applicable provisions of law, organizational changes on the part of the Administrator, extension of services rendered by the Administrator, no further possibility to provide services by the Administrator under current conditions, necessity to adapt the General Terms and Conditions to unfair practices of Users aiming at circumventing the prohibitions provided for in the General Terms and Conditions. The Administrator shall notify the Users about the new wording of the General Terms and Conditions electronically via the notifications function on the User’s Account available after logging on. In the absence of acceptance of the wording of the new General Terms and Conditions, the User has the right to terminate the Account Maintenance Agreement by way of submitting to the Administrator a declaration of intent regarding deletion of the Account.
  8. [Entry into Force of the General Terms and Conditions] General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on the date of publication on the Website.

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