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A free online escape room in the Harry Potter world? The Hogwarts Escape

A free online escape room in the Harry Potter world? The Hogwarts Escape

Anna Kryśkow |

Do you like the world of Harry Potter? In all likelihood, yes. Given the theme of Escape Buzz, you're also a fan of escape rooms, and you're well aware that rooms with the theme of the young Hogwarts adept are plentiful. And what about a free online escape room? Let me tell you about The Hogwarts Escape.

The Hogwarts Escape was created in mid-2020 and is a fully free escape room game based on J. K. Rowling's novels about the world of magic and witchcraft. The game was created by two Harry Potter fans from the Netherlands - Danique Valstar and Florine Komen, and was inspired by... Quarantine Boredom. After almost 3 years, the game is still being developed and has recently gained popularity again - thanks to the announcement of the next game "Year 2" and TikTok and Instagram, where videos showing the game become viral. Thanks to one of these platforms I learned about the project. 

And what about the game itself?

In the escape room world of magic, or maybe in the magical world of escape rooms?

The game is especially dedicated to those who like a combination of plot and puzzles - there's a lot of reading in that game, but I think fans of the books won't mind. The puzzles themselves begin simply, but it  gets harder as the action progresses and the development of the story.

What about the story? You are a young student of the school of magic, who after receiving the letter (really, the game begins with receiving a letter! What more does a Potter freak need?) must shop school necessities on the Diagon Alley. You have a shopping list, the destination is known, but... First you have to get to Diagon Alley. This is the first puzzle that, I shyly admit, took me too long.

Have you entered Diagon Alley? It’s the time to shop - every student needs books that already rub their pages together to welcome the unsuspecting shopper with a next puzzle. I won't reveal more to not take away from your enjoyment of the game! The last thing I will tell you - think carefully about certain answers, because they will determine your fate in the school of magic.

And what if the puzzle is too difficult? The developers have prepared hints for each one (they work, you have my word!).

To play or not to play?

Despite the fact that I'm a muggle and for most of my life I haven't reacted with delight at the mention of Hogwarts, this game has aroused in me the desire to learn more about this magical world. I'm not sure yet whether I'll grab the first book or book the nearest Potter's themed escape room after finishing this article.

Would I recommend it, well, sure! It was a very enjoyable game. Last week, the developers officially announced a new version of the site, a new game that is probably a continuation of the current one has also already been confirmed. I'm already looking forward to the release!

HINT: Some puzzles require knowledge of books! Without knowledge of spells you will be lost.... like me - the muggle.

Anna Kryśkow

Anna Kryśkow

Editor-in-chief, Writer

Journalist and indologist by profession. Writer, marketer, tarantulas keeper and urbex explorer by heart. In the meantime I’m playing escape rooms and board games, and I wonder how I find time to sleep (still dunno). I was born to write - my favorite forms of expression are extensive articles preceded by a long research, and horror stories (for some it’s the same).

  • Gabby29

    James hi
  • guest

    Great article I really enjoyed it.
  • 👍🏻


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