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Haunted game on your table. Doomensions: Pop-Up Mystery Manor. Are you brave enough?

Haunted game on your table. Doomensions: Pop-Up Mystery Manor. Are you brave enough?

Anna Kryśkow |

Doomensions: Pop-Up Mystery Manor is Mysterious Package Co’s 4th Kickstarter campaign. The game was designed in collaboration with Curious Correspondence’s in-house team of game designers, responsible for their award-winning monthly adventure game, The Curious Correspondence Club.

Have you ever been in a real haunted house? Blood on the walls, pentagrams on the floor, creaking doors, creepy sounds from a basement, this unnatural cold… I am an urbex enthusiast - forgotten buildings are dope for me. They have a terrific, old nature, they are quiet and moody. You never know what you can find. But haunted houses are too much for me - I’m just a fraidy-cat! Even so, I felt excited when I first heard about this game!

Incredible shape - enhancement of the immersive experience

There are a lot of escape games, a lot of them having weird or imaginative shapes, but this new one is quite remarkable.

Players will be transported straight into the game through a dynamic, 3D pop-up environment. Within the walls of the Mystery Manor, an eight-room puzzle ‘escape room’ experience awaits to test any adventurer’s guile, wits, and most importantly - ghost hunting prowess!

Do you have what it takes to outwit some pesky spirits and banish a mischievous demon?

Teamwork for escape game lovers

Doomensions is a ghost-hunting puzzle game for one to four players. The game will have over eight rooms within a large pop-up manor house. Build a haunting house and start solving mysteries. In addition, in the game you will find investigation dossier to collect all clues and evidences collected during game.

I spoke to the designers of Doomensions about the idea of the game, work and the results of the Kickstarter campaign.

Anna: First of all I have to say - Doomensions: Mystery Manor is an amazing game idea. I've heard and played a lot of escape board and card games and no one had such an unusual, extensive shape. Where did the idea for Doomensions come from? What was the inspiration for creating this game?

Doomensions Team: Doomensions began as a concept for inviting players to experience the physical environment of a game's setting, that would allow them to explore, inspect, and interact with their surroundings in a dynamic and immersive way. We believe in the appeal of tangible, tactile experiences in an increasingly digital world, and wanted to create a physical game with a playful representation of space.

Anna: About designing - how many people are involved in this project? Was it an idea of one person or is Doomensions the result of a team working together?

Doomensions Team: Doomensions is definitely a group effort - we couldn't have brought it to life without such a talented team from Curious Correspondence and Mysterious Package Company. Together we all make up a small but passionate studio of storytellers, game designers, and puzzle creators coming together from all corners of the world to create something (hopefully) exciting and new! From the puzzles, to the design, to the illustration, to the story. A true team effort.

Anna: When was the idea born? How and when the cooperation between Mysterious Package and The Curious Correspondence has started? Is it the first joint project of these two companies?

Doomensions Team: Doomensions is the product of an idea we've had for quite some time now, and we've been hard at work creating it alongside our existing Curious Correspondence Club subscription, which is a serialised once-a-month subscription game delivered to players in an envelope. We decided to work in partnership with our sister company, Mysterious Package Company on this one. Whilst the two companies have always been close this our first truly collaborative venture.
After going through the first round of development, we decided to bring the game to Kickstarter by allowing players a way to pre-order it, and as a special way of showing our appreciation to our community as a whole. Backers who pledge now are able to help shape the future of Doomensions, where the game will go, and what is included within it. We're also using it as a fun opportunity to release a series of audio puzzles on Kickstarter that, if solved, will unlock a bonus exclusive prize added onto your pledge.

Anna: The Kickstarter campaign has raised $430,000 CAD [update: on August 24 - $550 ,000 CAD] in only a week! Did you expect such interest? Your goal was much lower. The campaign continues until September 8th, so I bet that the result will change. How do you feel now?

Doomensions Team: We’re absolutely humbled and honoured to have achieved so much. Our initial goal was only $40,000. and we were of course hoping to raise a little more than our goal, but we’re overwhelmed by how supportive the community has been so far in bringing Doomensions to life.
So from all of us to everyone who has put their trust in us and backed - thank you! We can't wait to see where the rest of the campaign will take us. The more we raise, the more stretch goals we'll be adding to the project. For example, the next stretch goal we're working towards, if we manage to hit $500,000 will add 1.5 hours of additional gameplay! Beyond this we have even more exciting things planned.

Thank you guys for this nice conversation! I wish Doomension will turn out a game bestseller! And of course I can’t wait to unpack the Mystery Manor.

You still have a chance to support the campaign and get this amazing game. The campaign ends on September 8. Here you can find a link to Doomenstons game’s Kickstarter!

Anna Kryśkow

Anna Kryśkow

Editor-in-chief, Writer

Journalist and indologist by profession. Writer, marketer, tarantulas keeper and urbex explorer by heart. In the meantime I’m playing escape rooms and board games, and I wonder how I find time to sleep (still dunno). I was born to write - my favorite forms of expression are extensive articles preceded by a long research, and horror stories (for some it’s the same).

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