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Our Escape Adventure. 1 Week Until Go Time!

Our Escape Adventure. 1 Week Until Go Time!

Hi, it’s Tina and Curt and we are only a week away from leaving on our epic escape room adventure across the United States! This column is going to be a record of our adventures and rooms played and we hope to entertain and inspire other Enthusiasts. Thank you again to Escape Buzz for allowing us to share our journey with you!

Our plan is to travel from Florida to major escape room meccas, including New Orleans and Baton Rouge in Louisiana, Los Angeles and San Francisco in California, Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts. We will stay in each location for a few days and sometimes up to three weeks, playing as many escape rooms as we can before we move on.

We will also be visiting many lesser known escape room venues along the way and we hope to find some hidden gems to share with you! Not only will we be trying to do as many escape rooms as possible, we also will be visiting parks and tourist attractions along the way.  

Currently, we are stationary in Kissimmee, Florida, where we have been living in our RV since August of 2022, in order to prepare for our trip. Up until just a few weeks ago, we owned The Escape Hatch, which is the closest escape room venue to Disney World. Now that The Hatch has officially been sold, we are one step closer to living our dream!  

So far, we have the trip planned out from March 15th through the middle of September, and in that time we will be visiting twenty-one states from Florida to California and back east to Indiana! As we travel, we will be making even more plans, heading as far east as Boston, Massachusetts before we head back to Florida in November to spend the holidays with family.  

On March 15th we are leaving Kissimmee and heading northwest towards our first big escape room destination, New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home to the world renowned 13th Gate. Since it is just the two of us and many of the escape rooms we want to play require a minimum of four players, we will be seeking additional players through the many Escape Room Enthusiasts Facebook pages as we travel, and if you are visiting any of the places where we will be, we’d love to meet up to play some rooms with you, too!  

We will be in New Orleans and Baton Rouge from March 21st through March 27th, so reach out to us through Escape Buzz if you want to meet up! We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will be able to find other players!

Our next column will be written on the road, so wish us luck on the first leg of our journey! 

Tina Deater & Curt Jackson

Tina Deater & Curt Jackson

Enthusiasts, travelers, bloggers

Tina is a former city and transportation planner turned escape room owner and Curt is a podcaster/blogger/content creator for the summer camp industry. Their worlds collided when they were handcuffed next to each other in a pirate themed escape room while attending an escape room enthusiast meet up event.

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